Going Global: 101             


Molly Coffman

Fulbright TGC 2021-2023

India Cohort

" These Programs and activities are based on the assumption that exchanges among culturally diverse learners and teachers will enable them to discover the common humanity they share with others across lines of difference."

Professor Fernando M. Reimers, Empowering Global Citizens: A World Course

Harvard School of Education

Flag of India

 Morning Yoga

Welcome Message

Pilgrimage to the Ganges River

About the Teacher

Molly Coffman is a National Geographic Certified elementary educator with passion for travel. For nearly 15 years, Molly has taught K-5 elementary students in the Hamilton Southeastern Schools public-education system located in Fishers, Indiana. There, she has served students of varying academic, social, and developmental needs across multiple grade levels. Currently, she works at both New Britton Elementary and Sand Creek Elementary as a K-4 Global Studies teacher serving nearly 1,200 diverse students. In recent years, Molly has become a National Geographic Certified Educator, earned Global Learning Fellowships from the NEA Foundation, Fulbright, and the Transatlantic Outreach Program. These fellowships have allowed her to gain perspectives and experience specific to global education from Peru, India, and Germany. Molly holds multiple degrees with her most recent being a Master’s in Educational Psychology from Ball State University as well as certifications in Diversity Studies, Ethical Leadership, and Social Justice. When she is not at school, Molly can be found gardening, volunteering at the local Humane Society, or finding new avenues of exploration in her free time.

What is a Global Education Guide?

As technology advances, the world becomes ever-increasingly interconnected. The students of today, will be the citizens and changemakers of tomorrow. In order to best equip them with the skill sets and accumen to be successful within the 21st century, learners must be able to critically think, communicate, collaborate, and connect with those who may have very different perspectives, ideas, and backgrounds than their own. A Global Education Guide is intended as a framework resource that educators can utilize to better foster global citizenship, competency, and action within their students. This endeavor incorporates empathy, infuses  a variety of inclusive perspectives and pedagogies within their classrooms and curricula. 


 Click on the links below to see resources for educators, lesson plans, as well as global fellowships and partnerships


“This website is not an official U.S. Department of State website. The views and information presented are the participant's own and do not represent the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program, the U.S. Department of State, or IREX.”